Happy New Year!

January 3, 2010 at 4:08 pm (Alice in Chains, My Travels, Writing)

I really started my new year early, as in November at my birthday so the new year itself wasn’t that big of a deal.  Nate and I hung out with friends.

I’ve been doing research on low-residency MFA programs.  So far I’m most interested in Eastern Kentucky University, Goddard College and Lesley University.  Some of them require the GRE, some don’t, some require letters of recommendation, some don’t, all require writing samples. Some have two week residencies, some have 10 days, some have a month…  I would like to start as soon as possible, however, I haven’t taken a standardized test in forever, so I do need to take the GRE, at least for EKU, even though it isn’t the only thing they look at.  I have to write everything down and make plans.

Then I figure I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little longer to do everything right, although the possibility of starting grad school in June is downright exciting!

In preparation for Grad School and everyone’s apparent love of MS Word, I have to purchase the program, which is on sale right now. As soon as my paycheck goes through I’ll be ordering that. Additionally, as a Yule gift to us I also got a new router. I had thought about getting wireless but that would have meant getting a wireless hook-up for Nate’s X-Box since he got the Gold membership for X-Box Live for Yule.  I saved money by just getting the router.

I’m also moving both computers into the living room and rearranging everything. If I’m going to be working on it even more, then Nate and I will be in the same room.  Although we have compartmentalized everything for a while because I’ve had the laptop in the living room and we’ve been sharing it. With the router we can both have a computer and when he’s done with homework and chores he can still play X-Box and I’m still right there with him.

I’m happy to report I have a totally normal work schedule this week.

Jeff dropped off Christmas cards for the kids with gift cards in them. He left them in my mailbox and then texted the kids that he had left them, I guess out of some fear that I wouldn’t pass them along, which is ridiculous. 

I came home to find the door barricaded.  Nate texted him “thx” in return but that was all and he refused any other contact. I left it alone although he did see his uncle and aunt and went to his cousin’s birthday party. He’s comfortable with that.

I’m going to see Alice in Chains in Washington, DC on March 3rd. Happy Yule to me!

I need to check with my boss. I heard we have a huge catering in June. I hope its not at the end. Just went to call my boss and realized… I can’t find my cellphone. Oh, joy! and, its off, or the batteryhas run out, which is likely so calling it is out. Jeebus.

On that note, time for me roll. I’ll holla!

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